OEL 2016 Electrical Inspector Recognition Award

Feb 19 2016
Submit your nomination today for Ontario Electrical League (OEL)’s Electrical Inspector Recognition Award. The award was established in 2014 by OEL to recognize a current inspector, or senior inspector, for their outstanding contribution to the industry.
Last year’s winner, Victor Becker, was awarded the honour because his persistence and energy attracted new members, and was instrumental in getting OEL’s Tri County chapter invested, interested and engaged. Becker was always on the lookout for opportunities to share the “hire a licensed electrical contractor” message with the public, and positioning OEL members at the forefront of that campaign.
“He is one of those people who make working within the parameters of the trade a pleasure,” a peer noted, “And he makes you feel like a team player, not just another contractor.”
Deadline for submission is March 31, 2016. The winner will be selected by a committee comprising the OEL President, a non-contractor member of OEL’s Board of Directors, and an Electro-Federation Canada representative. The award will be presented at OEL’s annual Electrical Industry Conference Awards Night on May 12.
Find out more: www.oel.org.