TechnoCentre éolien Supports Quebec Technological Innovation

May 17, 2017
The TechnoCentre éolien’s technical expertise and infrastructure designed for research in real-world conditions have led to a breakthrough in Quebec’s wind industry. More specifically, the TechnoCentre éolien (TCE) has successfully tested a lighting intensity dimming solution (LIDSTM) developed by Technostrobe.
The tests carried out by TCE will now allow Technostrobe, which is based near Montreal, to commercialize this technological innovation and position the Quebec industry as a leader in managing the visual impact of wind farm lighting. In periods of high visibility, Technostrobe’s LIDSTM system can be used to considerably dim the intensity of the beacons installed at wind farms.
“The prototype made its North American debut when it was installed on a wind turbine and two met masts at our research site,” explains Cédric Arbez, Project Manager, Research and Innovation at TCE. “Data collected to date confirm the efficiency of the prototype, which is remarkable for its ability to adjust its light intensity as a function of the visibility conditions at a given site.”
This is a major technological advance that meets Transport Canada security criteria in the vicinity of wind farms while respecting the quality of life of local communities.
Supporting innovation
“To stay competitive, Quebec’s small and mid-sized companies must innovate. And although innovation comes with certain risks, nowadays it is much riskier for a company not to innovate at all,” maintains Arbez. “At the TechnoCentre éolien, our role is two-fold. We innovate in our own research projects and we support Quebec companies in marketing their innovations. In the case of Technostrobe, the system they developed allows them to stand out from the rest of their competitors.”