BC Hydro’s John Hart Project Nears Another Milestone

John Hart Generating Station

 June 5, 2017

BC Hydro’s project contractor, InPower BC, has successfully achieved another significant milestone in the John Hart Generating Station replacement project. The most recent accomplishment is the competition of the drilling and blasting for what’s called the tailrace tunnel, a channel that carries water away from turbines.

Located within the City of Campbell River, the John Hart Generating Station has been operating since 1947. To ensure it continues to deliver clean, reliable energy for years to come, the facility is being modernized.

In November 2013, BC Hydro announced SNC-Lavalin Inc. as the project’s preferred general contractor, and in February 2014, BC Hydro signed a contract with InPower BC (SNC-Lavalin) for the construction of an innovative, underground powerhouse that will enhance public safety and improve the site’s environmental footprint.

There are four main components to the project:

  • a replacement generating station with new equipment, constructed about 500-600 metres up the penstock corridor from the existing facility
  • replacement of three 1.8 kilometre pipelines (each with a diameter of 3.66 metres) with a single, 2.1 kilometre tunnel (8.1 metres in diameter)
  • a new water intake at the John Hart Spillway Dam
  • a new water bypass facility

The existing generating station is in poor condition and electricity output is declining. A new facility, with new equipment, will be more efficient and more reliable, and will be better able to withstand a moderate earthquake.

Construction work started in spring 2014 and the project is expected to be completed by 2018/2019. Find out more about the project: www.bchydro.com/energy-in-bc/projects/john_hart_generating.html.

Image source: BC Hydro.

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