Marigold Cultural Centre Gets Government Funding for Lighting Upgrades

August 23, 2017
The Government of Canada is providing funding to the amount of $59,602 to the Cobequid Arts Council for lighting upgrades and new series programming at the Marigold Cultural Centre. The announcement was made on behalf of Mélanie Joly, Minister of Canadian Heritage.
The Cobequid Arts Council will receive $51,602 through the Canada Cultural Spaces Fund to purchase and install energy-efficient and safe theatre lighting that will meet industry standards. As well, $8,000 has been allocated through the Canada Arts Presentation Fund for programming of the Centre’s 2017–2018 professional performing arts series.
The new lighting at the Marigold Cultural Centre will make the theatre experience more enjoyable for artists and audiences, while the new series programming will provide Nova Scotians and visitors with increased access to professional performances. The series will feature professional and emerging artists from Canada and the United States, performing various genres of music, theatre and comedy.