New Lighting to be Part of $1.15 Million Restoration of New Brunswick’s St. Stephen Wharf

September 14, 2017
Almost $1.15 million will be invested to restore a popular tourist attraction and gathering place in St. Stephen.
“Tourism is a key part of your government’s economic vision,” said Premier Brian Gallant. “The investment in the St. Stephen wharf restoration project will help increase tourism in St. Stephen and Charlotte County.”
The project involves the installation of new floating docks at the Lighthouse Town Wharf, an updated gangway and approach area, and an adjacent boat launch ramp. Along with additional lighting and improved signage, the upgrades are intended to improve safety for visitors.
“The Government of Canada is proud to invest in the restoration of St. Stephen’s iconic landmark,” said New Brunswick Southwest MP Karen Ludwig. “In addition to attracting new tourists to this picturesque location, the upgraded Lighthouse Town Wharf will also contribute to civic pride for local residents. We are proud to support projects like this that contribute to regional economic growth and the creation of well-paid middle-class jobs.”
Ludwig attended for federal Infrastructure and Communities Minister Amarjeet Sohi.
“These improvements will benefit not just St. Stephen and Charlotte County, but the province as whole,” said Tourism, Heritage and Culture Minister John Ames. “The restoration of St. Stephen’s wharf will give people another reason to visit our beautiful province.”
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