Gaining Access to Ontario’s Energy Relief Programs

Hydro One

October 26, 2017

The Province of Ontario has announced the launch of the Affordability Fund. This is a program designed to provide customers who do not qualify for low-income conservation programs the ability to access energy efficient home improvements.

“We are delighted that many Hydro One customers can benefit from the Affordability Fund. We hope that the customers who can benefit will take action and participate in this unique and easy-to-access program,” said Ferio Pugliese, Executive Vice President, Customer Care and Corporate Affairs, Hydro One. “Affordability and customer advocacy are at the core of how we are changing the way we do business. The Affordability Fund is another avenue that allows Hydro One, along with other local distribution companies across the province, to work collaboratively with customers and social agencies to extend support and relief where and when it’s needed.”

The Affordability Fund is an easy-to-enrol program that extends Ontario’s Save on Energy Home Assistance Program to help families and individuals with energy efficient upgrades that will save them money. Many customers will qualify for upgrades like block heater timers, efficient shower heads and LEDs. Customers in greater need may be qualified for more substantial upgrades, such as appliances, a programmable thermostat and insulation.

As the administrator of the fund, Hydro One is ready to provide customers with access to this program today and is encouraging people to apply. By answering four simple questions, customers can get the help they need to make energy efficiency improvements in their home to manage their electricity bills. Customers can apply online at or by calling 1-855-494-FUND.

To be eligible, individuals must own, rent or lease a primary residence in Ontario and must be the utility account holder at that residence. The types of upgrades provided are relative to the support required for the customer.

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