Construction Lien Amendment Act Has Passed Unanimously

December 8, 2017
Bill 142, the Construction Lien Amendment Act, has passed with a unanimous vote at Queen’s Park, and marks a pivotal moment wherein the rights and securities of Ontario’sworkers will now be held to a much higher standard.
Bill 142 was first introduced this past spring and was worked on tirelessly over the remainder of the year, always remaining a priority on the legislative agenda. Having attained royal assent before the house adjourns for the season now promises a new year where the 400,000+ workers of Ontario’sconstruction sector will begin to see the effects of a prompt payment system that looks out for their livelihood’s. The bill will also bring added adjudication measures that will significantly reduce payment delays, which have been identified as the biggest barrier to investment, improved productivity, and increased employment in the construction industry.
“This legislation could not have been introduced at a better time, as higher interest rates will make delayed payment unbearable. We hope that this groundbreaking piece of legislation will set the stage for change across the country.” said Ron Johnson, Director of PPO. “We would like to thank the government for taking this issue seriously and hope that we will see the immediate proclamation of this important piece of legislation.”
Prompt Payment Ontario would like to thank Minister Naqvi for remaining an ardent supporter of this issue throughout its time in legislature. We would also like to recognize both Bruce Reynolds and Sharon Vogel for the incredible work they have accomplished, they truly paved the way for this bill. Thank you as well to all the MPPs who came together on the issue of Prompt Payment, recognizing that it was an issue for all Ontarians, the overwhelming bipartisan support that Bill 142 has received should be applauded by all.
This is the first legislation of its kind in Canada, and hopefully will serve as a guide for the rest of the country looking to put forth their own legislature that will protect the financial security of Canadians from coast to coast.