Hydro One has Helped 45,000 Small Businesses Save About $176 Million Through Lighting Retrofits

March 1, 2018
Hydro One has announced that Richard’s Coffee House in Brockville is its 45,000 customer to take part in the Small Business Lighting program. Since launching in 2008, the Save on Energy program at Hydro One has helped 45,000 small business customers invest in energy efficient lighting and reduce their consumption by more than 1,037 GWh, which represents an estimated $176 million savings.
“Small businesses are the lifeblood of our customer communities and we’re committed to helping those companies thrive and grow,” said Cindy-Lynn Steele, Vice President, Market Solutions. “The Small Business Lighting program is just one of Hydro One’s many energy conservation solutions we offer to help local businesses and organizations save on electricity and reinvest those savings into programs and products that matter to their customers.”
The Hydro One Small Business Lighting program offers a free lighting assessment and up to $2,000 in lighting incentives and upgrades.
“As a small business owner, every program that can help reduce costs adds up in a big way,” Sam Rawas, Richard’s Coffee House, Owner. “This program from Hydro One is a triple win – more lighting, less energy use and lower monthly bills. The best part, the improvements didn’t cost me anything.”
Through the program, Richard’s Coffee House replaced 22 incandescent light bulbs with energy efficient LEDs resulting in an 80 per cent energy electricity usage reduction in their lighting costs. This is estimated to save Richard’s Coffee House more than $1,000 per year.
Hydro One hopes to reach 50,000 participants by the end of the year. To learn more, visit www.hydroone.com/business. Hydro One has many Save on Energy programs to help businesses in Ontario reduce their energy consumption and also provides incentives to expand and add new, energy efficient equipment.