E.B. Horsman & Son a Finalist for 2018 Best Website Redesign

May 30, 2018
The eTail Canada Website Redesign of the Year award goes to the eCommerce site that has improved dramatically with a recent redesign. The eTail awards program honours retailers for extraordinary achievements as ecommerce visionaries, emerging disruptors, omni champions, and more.
E.B. Horsman & Son first launched their eCommerce site in 2008. In March 2018, after careful consideration, feedback and beta testing, the company launched a new eCommerce site featuring a new platform and design changes. The site was created with one goal in mind: making online shopping for electrical supplies easy with E.B. Horsman & Son.
“In the early 2000s we recognized that eCommerce would play a vital role in our future customer and supply chain experience,” says Jerry Evans, eCommerce Manager at E.B. Horsman & Son. “Our legacy site was efficient and functional on a PC platform, however trends were showing that our B2B customers were expecting more of a B2C online experience. We decided that a website redesign was necessary to meet those expectations and grow.”
The new eCommerce site found on ebhorsman.com includes new features such as:
• a refreshed design
• mobile responsive
• faster
• an optimized search engine
• enhanced data (images & supporting documents)
• a custom list feature for easy quoting, bidding, price referencing, and more
“We are just getting started on this journey of making our business available to our customers 24/7 in a fast, mobile, and secure ecosystem,” says Tim Horsman, President& CEO of E.B. Horsman & Son. “Our involvement with Affiliated Distributors and participation in their eCommerce initiative has provided guidance, support and encouragement as we enhance our customer’s digital journey.”
Established in 1900 E.B. Horsman & Son is the largest independently owned and operated electrical wholesaler in Western Canada and designated as one of Canada’s Best Managed Companies. With 21 strategically placed locations