Manitoba Electrical Permit Fees to Rise August 1

May 15, 2018
As of August 1, 2018 Manitoba will adopt and begin enforcing the Manitoba Electrical Code, 13th Edition. Permit fees will also increase. Permits issued prior to August 1, 2018 will be based on the 12th Edition.
Manitoba Hydro’s electrical permit fees have only increased once since 1999 (in 2007), and currently do not reflect the costs to perform inspection services.
Manitoba Hydro is recovering less than 50% of its annual inspection costs through the current electrical permit fees, and has determined that permit fees must increase to ensure the costs associated with the permit and inspection service is recovered by the customers requiring the services.
The new permit fees better reflect the time (and therefore the cost) associated with the services being provided by Manitoba Hydro, and are generally consistent with fees in other adjacent inspection authorities (e.g., City of Winnipeg, SaskPower, Ontario’s Electrical Safety Authority).
The following table itemizes the changes to Manitoba Hydro’s minimum permit fees.
The following table compares Manitoba Hydro’s current and planned fees for typical projects with the average of adjacent inspection authorities:
* Fees based on a 2000 sq. ft. home with a developed basement and an air conditioner. Note: The impact of the permit fee increase will vary depending on the complexity.