Federal Government and Nova Scotia to Offer Solar Power Incentives

July 3, 2018
A new program launched by Nova Scotia with federal government support will provide rebates for residents of Nova Scotia to reduce the cost of solar-electricity systems for their homes.
The SolarHomes program will provide rebates of up to 30% off the purchase and installation costs of rooftop solar-electricity systems. The program is expected to make solar power more affordable and accessible for at least 2,000 Nova Scotian households over the next four years, and participants in the program will save an average of $1,300 per year in energy costs. (Shown in photo: Steve MacDonald, CEO of EfficiencyOne, which operates Efficiency Nova Scotia.)
Nova Scotia is investing $74.9 million toward programs that help increase renewable-energy use and make homes more energy efficient. These investments will help homeowners save money on their energy bills, support local jobs, generate economic growth, and reduce carbon pollution. Through the Government of Canada’s Low Carbon Economy Fund, Nova Scotia is eligible to receive $56 million for programs that generate clean growth and reduce carbon pollution. A portion of that funding will support the SolarHomes program. Applications will be available in mid-August.
The Government of Canada’s Low-Carbon Economy Leadership Fund is providing $1.4 billion to provinces and territories that have adopted Canada’s clean growth and climate action plan, the Pan-Canadian Framework, to deliver on commitments to reduce carbon pollution, protect our environment, create well-paying jobs, and strengthen Canada’s economy.
If you’re a contractor interested in the program, find out more here: https://www.efficiencyns.ca/service/solarhomes/#tab-get-started