October 18: Pre-Apprenticeship in Canada Fall Regional Roundtable

Sept 4, 2018
Join the Canadian Apprenticeship Forum and apprenticeship stakeholders from across the country for insights into pre-apprenticeship at this regional roundtable in Ottawa. Learn about recent CAF-FCA research and existing pre-apprenticeship programs, and engage in a roundtable discussion with fellow participants.
Among the session topics: Pre-Apprenticeship in Canada — Insights from the Apprentices in Canada ePanel and Apprenticeship Stakeholders, a research presentation by the Canadian Apprenticeship Forum
A small group discussion: will also explore
• what is your definition of pre-apprenticeship?
• what value do pre-apprenticeship programs bring to youth and under-represented groups?
• what are the drawbacks associated with these programs?
• how can we better connect pre-apprentices or other individuals
• who are interested in becoming apprentices with skilled trades employers?
Find out more: http://events.r20.constantcontact.com/register/event?oeidk=a07efhi1rzf359ae64a&llr=eia7sqeab