New Health and Safety Manual Focuses on Photovoltaic Systems

Nov 5, 2018
Installing and maintaining photovoltaic (PV) systems can be high-risk work if the hazards are not recognized, assessed, and controlled or eliminated.
That’s why Ontario’s Infrastructure Health & Safety Association (IHSA) has created a new health and safety manual for workers, supervisors, employers, and designers who install or work around rooftop solar panels (i.e., PV systems). The manual was developed, reviewed, and endorsed by the Photovoltaic Subcommittee of the Roofers Trade Labour-Management Health and Safety Committee in association with IHSA.
Common hazards faced by installers include:
• electrical contact
• falls from heights
• slips, trips, and falls
• weather-related hazards
• musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs) from material handling
The manual is available as a free download or in print format for a fee. Order or download Safe Practices for Working On or Around Photovoltaic Systems here: