Fund Your Student Winter Placements with Help from Empowering Futures
![EIN EHRC Logo 400](
Nov 26, 2019
Now is the time for employers to place co-op students for winter semesters, and Empowering Futures can help! Secure up to $7,000 in wage subsidies for work-integrated learning positions. This program is available to employers in Canada’s electricity sector for full- or part-time science, technology, engineering, arts, mathematics, or business students in full- or part-time positions.
With Empowering Futures, getting involved in efforts to prepare the sector’s future workforce is rewarding in more ways than one.
The program covers the cost of a co-op student’s salary for science, technology, engineering, mathematics or business placements:
- up to 50% to a maximum of $5,000 and
- up to 70% to a maximum of $7,000 for students from an under-represented group. Under-represented groups include:
- First year students
- Women in STEM (Science, technology, engineering, mathematics)
- Indigenous students
- Persons with disabilities
- Newcomers to Canada
Go HERE for more information