ESA Exploring Safe Return to In-Person Training and Master Electrician Exams

July 30, 2020
Safety & Technical Training
As the government continues a gradual, staged approach to reopen Ontario, ESA is assessing how they can safely resume in-person classroom training while adhering to Ontario Public Health guidelines. ESA is continuing to monitor key public health indicators and Stage 3 restrictions as efforts begin to reschedule previously postponed in-person classroom courses.
If you are registered in a postponed ESA course, they will notify you in the next couple of weeks of the rescheduled date. Please note that online courses are continuing as scheduled.
Master Electrician Examinations
ESA continues to assess how they can safely offer the Master Electrician (ME) examination while adhering to Ontario Public Health guidelines. ESA is working on resuming in-person exam sessions, as well as implementing Virtual Proctoring for ME exams in the fall.
Courses and exams will be rescheduled when public health officials advise transmission concerns have subsided. ESA will continue to review all procedures for the health and safety of customers, employees and the community
If you registered for a postponed ESA training course or ME Examination, they will notify you of the rescheduled date once it’s determined.
If you have questions or concerns, you can contact ESA’s Customer Service Centre at 1-877-372-7233.