Skills Ontario Launches #SkillsAnywhereChallenge Series

EIN Skills Ont 400

Feb 4, 2021

Skills Ontario has launched the #SkillsAnywhereChallenge series, a program meant to inspire and encourage Ontarians of all ages to explore the skilled trades and technologies. On the first Monday of every month, Skills Ontario introduces a new challenge that will test Ontarians’ skills in creativity, planning, and more. These activities are versatile and can be done at home, on one’s own, in the classroom, or with family or friends.

February’s #SkillsAnywhereChallenge asks participants to build a snow structure. In case challengers do not have access to snow, Skills Ontario has provided sample recipes for indoor snow within the challenge guidelines, which can be found at Within the guidelines also includes a list of skilled trade and technology careers that the challenge can be related to, safety rules, and a scoring rubric. First, second, and third place winners are awarded with $25 gift cards.

“Skills Ontario is proud to continue to develop and deliver career exploration programs,” says Ian Howcroft, CEO of Skills Ontario. “As we haven’t been able to hold in-person events, Skills Ontario adapted quickly, offering our existing and new initiatives virtually. The #SkillsAnywhereChallenge series is yet another way Ontarians can test their skills through fun and interactive learning, with the ability to participate from anywhere. We’re very excited to see the submissions to come!”

To participate, challengers must post their project to Twitter or TikTok, ensuring they tag @SkillsOntario and use the #SkillsAnywhereChallenge hashtag. Skills Ontario thanks the Government of Ontario, and Skills Ontario’s Premium Partners: 3M Canada, Centennial College, Edge Factor, Haas, Humber College, IHSA, Linamar, Magna, OPG, RBC, and WSIB.           

In addition to Twitter and TikTok, Skills Ontario is on Instagram at @skillsontario, on LinkedIn at “Skills Ontario”, on Facebook at “Skills Canada – Ontario,” and on Youtube at Skills Ontario. Skills Ontario looks forward to continuing to provide learning opportunities to build a strong and robust workforce.

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