Representing AUDACY™ Advanced Wireless Solutions in Canada

Ideal Industries Inc. has launched a wireless energy management system targeted for the retrofit, new construction, retail, and institutional lighting markets. “Audacy” provides wireless control via a mobile app over multi-building lighting systems by automatically sensing and adjusting to ambient light, movement and room occupancy. Completed beta tests of the system have consistently delivered energy savings from 35% to more than 50%. The systems can be installed in one-eighth the time of competitive wired systems.
“There is tremendous global demand for superior energy management systems that enable facilities executives and design engineers to drive down both installation and operating costs across large-scale projects,” said James. “We expect rapid and substantial growth from an expanding Audacy product line over the next several years.”
James said the development team was challenged to “put our core business, Wire-Nuts, out of business, but keep it just as simple to install and operate.” In six months, the development team had a working prototype using Ideal’s reliable push-in wire termination expertise and a proprietary, patent-pending wireless technology that can extend the life of battery-powered devices such as sensors and switches to 25 years.
“Our push-in wire termination expertise combined with our 915 MHz wireless technology makes it incredibly easy for facilities managers and building owners to deploy advanced lighting control solutions that had previously been difficult to implement,” said Nolan Bello, Business Unit Manager, Advanced Wireless Solutions.
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