Awesense and vadimUS Launch Unique Platform to Address Nanogrid Challenges in the Electrical Grid

EIn vadimap Awesense 400

April 2, 2021

Awesense and vadimUS have today announced a unique collaboration that will address the roadblocks faced by electric utilities in nanogrid integration.

Combining the expertise of the Awesense and vadimUS teams, the two companies are tackling decentralization, decarbonization and digitalization, and working to make all three easier, faster and more precise than ever before.

Utilities will now be able to seamlessly track the evolution and performance of nanogrid projects in their distribution grid, and monitor real-time performance of their C&I customers’ nanogrids.

Making this possible is the Awesense Digital Energy Platform, which can virtualize and analyze utilities’ data, and identify optimal target customers to approach. In lockstep with vadimUS’  vadiMAP™, the turnkey solution allows to automatically select the optimal nanogrid configuration in the geographic, operational and technical contexts of a C&I customer’s building using advanced proprietary algorithms. It also allows to execute, control and monitor this nanogrid.

Dan Boucher, CEO at vadimUS attests that “The combination of Awesense and vadiMAP will lead to the most reliable distributed energy resource (DER) solution, one that both the utility and the real estate property owner can use together to help them reach their goals faster.”


“Nanogrids should be a key strategy for all electric utilities for several reasons, like avoiding the need to build expensive fossil fuel peaker plants,” said Mischa Steiner, CEO at Awesense.

“Integrating them into the buildings of their C&I customers is not that simple though, and raises questions such as: who are my best potential customers? How can I approach them? How can I monitor, track and understand the nanogrids connected to my distribution grid? What is the best way to offer energy services to our C&I customers? This solution allows them to start addressing those questions right away.”

The combined solution also offers C&I customers direct capabilities to monitor, track and report on their energy systems. Flexible dashboarding and data visualizations will bring their system to life, and allow them to understand important figures like the organization’s renewable output, energy usage, and emission reductions, and cost savings.


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