Electrical Contractors Association of BC Announces Search for New Leadership

June 14, 2022
The Electrical Contractors Association of BC (ECABC) has announced the impending departure of President Deborah Cahill, effective July 20th, 2022. The Board of Directors has begun the recruitment process to find the next leader to carry the Association forward.
“After dutifully serving our Association and B.C.’s electrical contractors for 14 years, Deborah is ready for a new opportunity to share her experience and skills,” says Shawn Boyd, ECABC Chair. “We are very grateful for Deborah’s dedication to our industry and wish her continued success as she takes the next step in her professional journey.”
In her role as ECABC President since 2008, Cahill’s legacy includes the following:
- Putting the implementation of prompt payment on the B.C. government’s list of priorities for the near future. After more than a decade of lobbying—from Parliament Hill in Ottawa to the BC Liberal and NDP caucuses in Victoria—a provincial industry working group has been created to provide industry expertise to help shape the legislation. When that work begins, Deborah’s dedication to this fight has ensured ECABC will have a seat at that table.
- Facilitating partnerships and strengthening relationships with industry
business leaders such as Technical Safety BC, BC Hydro, the Industry Training Authority, the Electrical Joint Training Committee and Western JETS. Creating an opportunity for ongoing dialogue with these impactful bodies via committees, task forces and regular meetings has provided ECABC’s members with direct channels to remedy issues and influence positive change in the trades. Deborah was also very proud to earn a seat on the Deputy Minister’s Industry Infrastructure Forum (DMIIF) in 2019.
- Leading the Association through the COVID-19 pandemic. This challenge provided an opportunity for Deborah to pivot the Association’s communications model entirely online, providing a greater level of access to members around the province. It also led to the development of a weekly newsletter—the ECABC Update—which quickly gained a reputation of being a trusted source that members can look to for guidance, awareness and government news impacting the electrical trade right now. She also strengthened her industry connections by participating on the industry COVID working group (the 3:45 Club) as well as the BC Business Council.
“This is not a decision I have taken lightly. The pandemic has created an opportunity for reflection and consideration of future ambitions,” Cahill shared with ECABC members on Friday, June 10, 2022. “I am confident that the Association will continue to thrive and be fostered by the strength of our staff and our Board of Directors.”
Cahill will support the Board of Directors in navigating the transition and has committed to assisting her successor-to-be as much as possible during her remaining time with the Association.
While the search for a new president begins, ECABC will continue advocating for its members and looking to the future.
“This is an exciting time for the Association and in the electrical industry. We are seeing a lot of positive developments impacting our sector, from growing demand for renewable energy to increased representation on jobsites thanks to Indigenous apprenticeship programs,” says Derek Fettback, First Vice Chair on the ECABC Board. “Deborah has laid a great foundation that will support the new president as they lead the Association to new heights.”
ECABC welcomes all applicants interested in taking on the role of ECABC President and directs all recruitment-related inquiries to Adam Stewart at adam.stewart@matchboxhr.com.