Have your Voice Heard…Join in One of CEMRA’s 3 Subcommittee Groups and Make a Difference

April 22, 2024
The CEMRA board is looking for CEMRA reps to embark one of the three valuable Board subcommittees.
If you are a rep, and would like to get involved and contribute, this is your opportunity.
The 3 subcommittee groups include the following projects;
- CEMRA Founding Leaders, develop and create criteria, and build recognition. Please contact Brent Norrey, Roney Marketing.
- CEMRA Terms of Reference, review and create timely edits that support the CEMRA Board and all things to do with the CEMRA. Please contact Dave Le Cappelain, KM Roberts & Associates.
- CEMRA Reps and Manufacturers contracts and agreement, discussion, review templates and check points for future contracts suggestions, Please contact Jason Thor, TMC Sales.
If you have any questions, please reach out to the CEMRA board member above, or Nathalie Lajoie, CEMRA team lead, nlajoie@electrofed.com
Please consider participating by indicating your interest by May 1st.