United Brotherhood of Carpenters receives $2.4M from the Government of Canada to improve diversity and inclusion within apprenticeship trades

The Canadian District of the United Brotherhood of Carpenters and Joiners of America is pleased to announce $2.4M funding from the Government of Canada to support the “UBC Diversity and Inclusion in Apprenticeship” project.



LONGi Breaks Three World Records for Solar Cell Efficiency of N-type TOPCon, P-type TOPCon and HJT

LONGi has consolidated its leading role in R&D innovation in the global PV industry by setting new cell efficiency records for N- and P-type TOPcon and HJT. The company announced in April its record of 25.09% for N-Type TOPCon solar cell efficiency and, one month later, testing at the Institute for Solar Energy Research (ISFH) in Hamelin, Germany, has confirmed that the conversion efficiency of N-type monocrystalline bifacial TOPCon solar cells developed at LONGi’s Cell R&D Center has now reached 25.21%.