
E.B. Horsman & Son Strengthens VFD Market by Adding to Team

In an effort to strengthen its position in the Variable Frequency Drive (VFD) market, E.B. Horsman & Son is pleased to announce that Amir Kassaian has joined its Automation, Controls and Process Instrumentation Division. Amir is a recent graduate of SFU’s Electronic Systems Engineering and is an engineer in training (EIT). Along with Amir’s academic credentials, he has spent time consulting on research projects and also has experience with Autopro Automation as a junior electrical engineer. Amir will be taking on a Business Development role, focusing on Siemens Motion Control and VFD solutions, providing application, sales and technical support.


Delta Retrofit

Delta Orders World’s Biggest LED Retrofit for Its Fleet of Aircraft

Delta Airlines is going to retrofit its fleet with LED Lights to increase fleet efficiency.With 1224 planes in its massive fleet, Delta Air Lines is world’s largest airline. As such, operational costs in this razor-thin margin business are of utmost importance.New products are one way to reduce those operational and even more expensive maintenance costs.


Green Employers

Members of Canada’s Electrical Industry Among Our Greenest Employers

Now entering its 9th year, Canada’s Greenest Employers is an editorial competition organized by the Canada’s Top 100 Employers project. This special designation recognizes the employers that lead the nation in creating a culture of environmental awareness in their organizations. These employers have developed exceptional earth-friendly initiatives — and are attracting people to their organizations because of their environmental leadership.



NTCCC Summit Paves the Way for Trade Contractor

Representatives of Canada’s trade contract communities came together in Ottawa on April 8 to discuss the urgent need for federal and provincial governments to adopt prompt payment legislation. The National Trade Contractors Coalition of Canada (NTCCC) Prompt Payment Summit allowed members to highlight progress that has been made at the provincial level and to discuss next steps for seeing these initiatives through. The summit also focused on strategies to engage other concerned stakeholders who operate regionally and at the federal level.

Standards Council Canada

Standards Council of Canada Announces First Joint Canada-U.S. Standard for Plumbing and Heating Sector

The Standards Council of Canada (SCC) and ULC Standards are pleased to announce the development of a Joint National Standard for balloon-type ball backwater valves.  The development of this joint Canada-U.S. standard is the first of its kind in the plumbing and heating sector.