SUP Members at ESA Ratify Agreement to End Strike

October 11, 2023
The Society of United Professionals, IFPTE Local 160, and the Electrical Safety Authority ha reached a settlement to renew their collective agreement. The Society-represented safety professionals to ratify the agreement yesterday, ending a two-week strike. The new contract takes effect immediately.
“Our electrical safety professionals stood strong for a fair contract, and their collective resolve made all the difference.” said Local Vice-President Robert Mitchell. “This was very challenging, but our members got a better deal than when they started. I am very proud of their determination and hard work”
“The Society prides itself on its record of negotiating strong collective agreements for our members that are fair for everyone,” said Society President Michelle Johnston. “These professionals fought hard for a good deal and now they can return to the work they do so well: Supporting the electrification of Ontario’s economy and keeping the people of this province safe from electrical harm.”
The Society-represented electrical safety professionals had been on strike since September 20, 2023, when more than four months of bargaining, including sessions with a Ministry-appointed Conciliator, failed to produce an agreement. This is only the second time in the union’s 70-year history that they have been forced on strike.