TE Connectivity Sets Stronger Greenhouse Gas Reduction Goals
June 19, 2023

New initiatives are detailed in annual Connecting Our World corporate responsibility report
After making substantial progress toward its 2030 sustainability goals, TE Connectivity has strengthened its commitment to reduce the company’s environmental impact.
As detailed today in TE’s annual corporate responsibility report, Connecting our World, the company has raised its goal to reduce Scope 1 and Scope 2 emissions, those directly generated by TE, by 70 percent by 2030 (against a 2020 baseline). Additionally, TE set its first-ever goal to reduce Scope 3 emissions, those generated by its external value chain, by 25 percent by 2032 (against a 2022 baseline). These commitments coincide with a refresh of TE’s One Connected World environmental, social and governance strategy to reflect the company’s progress and to align with the Science Based Targets initiative, a globally recognized set of environmental best practices.
“Sustainability is one of the key elements of TE’s purpose and integral to our growth and innovation, both in how we co-create with our customers and the measures we take to reduce our own environmental impact,” said CEO Terrence Curtin. “With this refresh of our One Connected World goals, we are challenging ourselves to do even more to create a safer, sustainable, productive and connected future.”
Terrence Curtin, CEO TE Connectivity
In 2022, TE Connectivity succeeded in achieving the following:
- 34 percent reduction in Scope 1 and 2 emissions
- Increasing the number of sites using renewable energy from 37 to 80, which now accounts for half of the company’s global energy use
- 15 percent reduction in total water withdrawal since 2020
Last year was also marked by increased social commitments, including an ambition to reach 30 percent women in leadership by 2026, newly formed goals around wellness and an increased goal to bring STEM education to 10 million people by 2030.
TE Connectivity succeeded in:
- Increasing diversity in leadership and participation in employee resource groups
- Conducting its first human rights risk assessment
- Impacting 3 million people through STEM education worldwide in the past three fiscal years
Visit te.com/responsibility to view the full Connecting Our World report.