
ECAO: Virtual Master Electrician Exam Paused Due to Irregularities

March 6, 2024

As you may know, in response to the pandemic, ESA created a new option for prospective Master Electricians to take their qualification exams virtually (online). A few months ago, ECAO identified some irregularities that caused ESA to launch an investigation, with the goal of protecting the integrity of the exam. On the basis of evidence gathered to date from that investigation, there is a credible basis to suspect that the integrity of the virtual exam has been compromised.  ECAO are unable to provide specific details due to the matter still being under investigation. 

In order to protect the public and the integrity of the Master Electrician accreditation process, the decision has been made to pause virtual Master Electrician exams, effective March 1, 2024, until further notice.  

“We absolutely recognize that, for those who had registered for virtual exams in March and beyond, this is a disruptive and likely unwelcome process change.  However, we feel this is an important and necessary step to safeguard the integrity of the licensing process,” commented ECAO on their website. “It is important to note that we are continuing with our in-person exams, with enhanced protocols, and will be working with the impacted candidates to make necessary accommodations and transition them to those in-person sessions.”

For further information about the exam, you can direct questions to ESA.Licensing@electricalsafety.on.ca 


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