Emera NL and ABB Organize Woodbine Site Tour to Showcase Maritime Link Progress

September 20, 2016
Emera Newfoundland and Labrador (Emera NL) and ABB, provided a tour of the infrastructure and technologies for the Maritime Link Project in Nova Scotia today.
Executives from both companies provided an update on the project to date prior to a guided tour of the High Voltage Direct Current (HVDC) Converter Station at Woodbine, the main terminus for the project in Cape Breton. Organized jointly by ABB and Emera NL, representatives from government, the Nova Scotia Mi’kmaq and the local business community, were offered an opportunity to see the progress that has been made to date.
Upon completion in late 2017, the Maritime Link will change the way energy flows in Atlantic Canada, providing greater access to the abundance of clean, renewable and reliable energy in the region. The Project will for the first time allow clean, renewable electricity generated in Newfoundland and Labrador (NL) to be transmitted to Nova Scotia (NS).
ABB’s portion of the project includes the construction of a high-voltage direct current solution for the new electrical transmission system.
“The ABB team is proud to be the HVDC Converter technology solution provider for the Maritime Link Project,” said Nathalie Pilon, President of ABB in Canada. “We are now approaching the peak of construction activity, with several subcontractors and suppliers currently working diligently on all our sites.”