Electrical Contractor Median Hourly Rate by Job
September 01 2016
Apprentice electricians, aim for the foreman’s job. On your way up, see how five other job types compare.
September 01 2016
Apprentice electricians, aim for the foreman’s job. On your way up, see how five other job types compare.
What came first: the chicken or the egg? In technical files the answer is simple: first comes the product, then the standard. In 1993, when Nichia introduced the blue LED (based on GaN), the issue of photo biological safety was taken into consideration. The International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) decided to include LEDs in the laser product category and related norms (IEC 60825). This decision was based on the use of infrared LED in the fibre communication system due to its very narrow band.
June 1, 2024 In September 2020, the picturesque city of New Westminster near Vancouver in British Columbia suffered a devastating setback when an intentionally set fire destroyed much of the city’s waterfront park, including its urban beach, sand volleyball courts, and iconic art installation known as Wow Westminster. The fire, which burned for ten days…
March 3, 2023 The Canadian Electrical Contractors Association is conducting a brief survey to better understand the imacts of nuisance tripping of circuit breakers in Manitoba. Go HERE to provide feedback
When it comes to EFC’s membership, there is no shortage of talent and expertise. The electrical community is innovative and at the forefront of powering our changing world.
Let’s be frank — if you work for a company, then your primary goal is to make money. Period. You may have secondary goals to serve the interests of your customers and employees, and be a good corporate citizen, but your number one priority is strictly return on investment. Profit.
Section 26 is a general section of the code and applies to the installation of all electrical equipment. Appendix B contains important additional helpful notes. This section is divided into several parts, with the general rules 26-002 to 26-012 applying to all electrical equipment and additional parts for specific types of equipment. Read More…
January 9, 2025 The Manitoba government is investing $1.5 million in the Climate Action Fund to support a low-carbon future, Environment and Climate Change Minister Tracy Schmidt announced today. “We are firmly committed to taking real action to tackle climate change and we have been working hard to have a positive impact on the environment… Read More…
January 9, 2025 The second annual ECABC Innovation Award will be presented at ECABC’s AGM & Conference Gala Dinner in Victoria on June 13, 2025. The Award highlights a project completed during 2024 that exemplifies the use of innovation in electrical construction to improvise a task, solve a problem or significantly improve a project (i.e…. Read More…
Tom decides to add chickens and egg production to his cattle farming operation. He adds a chicken coup to the barn where he houses his cattle. The coup is suitably cut off from the barn and will contain an electric heater, luminaires and switches. Read More…
January 10, 2025 Mattr Corp. has announced that it has closed its previously announced acquisition of AmerCable Incorporated [see press release], which now forms part of Mattr’s Connection Technologies reporting segment. Under the terms of the transaction, Mattr has acquired all of the outstanding shares of AmerCable from Nexans USA Inc. for a purchase price… Read More…
January 10, 2025 The Ontario government is launching new energy efficiency programs, including the new Home Renovation Savings Program. The programs are part of a new $10.9 billion, 12-year investment in energy efficiency. The new Home Renovation Savings Program will launch on January 28, 2025, and offer rebates of up to 30 per cent for home energy… Read More…
January 9, 2025 The Affordable Heat Pump Program (AHPP) is fully subscribed through 2025, with 84 households receiving heat pumps through the program since the program launched on December 19, 2024. The rapid uptake of the program exceeded expectations, demonstrating Yukoners’ interest in switching to more efficient electric heating sources that result in lower utility… Read More…
January 6, 2025 Electricity Human Resources Canada (EHRC) is thrilled to announce Jesse Spring, CEO of Primary Engineering and Construction, as the recipient of the 2024 Leader of the Year Award. EHRC proudly recognizes Jesse for his leadership, which is built on excellence and powering growth. Jesse’s journey with Primary began in 2008 as an… Read More…
This project is funded [in part] by the Government of Canada.
Ce projet est financé [en partie] par le gouvernement du Canada.