Apprenticeship Training: 93,500 New Registrants in 2014

September 22, 2016

In 2014, apprenticeship programs in Canada had more than 451,100 registrations. New registrations accounted for 93,500, while reinstatements totalled 8,000. Reinstatements are apprentices who had left an apprenticeship program in an earlier year and returned to the same program during the reference period.

Red Seal-designated trades represent 3 of every 4 registrants

More than three-quarters (77.2%) of all registrations in Canada in 2014 were in apprenticeship programs for which the associated trade has a Red Seal designation at the national level. Of these, 59.4% were apprentices already registered in a trade with the Red Seal designation, 16.2% were new registrations and 1.6% were reinstatements.
The 10 Red Seal trades with the highest number of registrations accounted for just over half (50.9%) of all registrations in 2014. Among the Red Seal trades, construction electricians, carpenters and automotive service technicians accounted for more than one-quarter (27.6%) of total registrations.

Males represent the majority of registrations in apprenticeship programs

In 2014, males (86.3%) represented a higher proportion of those registered in an apprenticeship program than did females (13.7%).

Males represented more than 90% of registrations in 18 of the 25 major trade groups. The major trade groups of electricians, carpenters, plumbers, pipefitters and steamfitters, and automotive service technicians accounted for just over half (50.6%) of all male registrations.

Females represented the majority of registrations in four major trade groups: early childhood educators and assistants (93.0%), hairstylists and estheticians (88.6%), community and social service workers (78.7%), and user support technicians (50.7%). The major trade group of user support technicians includes information technology support associates and information technology hardware technicians.

More than two-thirds of certificates are issued to apprentices

In 2014, 59,400 certificates were awarded: 68.7% to apprentices and 31.3% to trade qualifiers. Less than half (43.5%) of the certificates granted in 2014 had the Red Seal endorsement.

Source: Statistics Canada,


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