Feature Video: Building Resilience

August 23, 2023
Building Resilience is the new go-to YouTube channel for mental health and wellness in the skilled trades. Hosted by Journeyperson Ironworker, Jamie McMillan and Electrical Apprentice Dee Durant, Building Resilence offers practical tips and inspiring stories to help you navigate the challenges of the trades, while protecting your mental and emotional well-being. Whether you’re a novice or an experienced tradesperson, their content is designed to help you build resilience and thrive both on and off the job site.
Jamie McMillan is the founder of KickAss Careers and advocate for the skilled trades. Dee Durant is also a KickAss Careers advocate.
Building Resilience: Welcome
Go HERE for more information on KickAss Careers
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Dee Durant Industrial Electrician Apprentice and KickAss Careers Ambassador
Dee Durant is an industrial electrician apprentice attending Conestoga College and an Ambassador for Kick Ass Careers. As an ambassador for KickAss Careers she spent time shadowing mentor and KickAss founder Jamie McMillan attending events for the organization. Read More