Updated Manitoba Trade Definitions

Manitoba Trade Definitions

Janaury 12, 2023

The Winnipeg Construction Association and the former Manitoba Bid Depository Inc. (MBD), with the assistance of various trade organizations, developed a set of trade definitions in an effort to identify all of the specific project tasks and to categorize by trade the tasks which each type of specialized contractor is best able to perform on the construction site. Under the Trade Definitions the trades, by mutual agreement, determined a basis for identifying the specific aspects of the work for which they would each be responsible. By definition, this is an all-inclusive listing – there should be no tasks or items unassigned.

In 2018, the WCA with the assistance of numerous volunteers and several associations including the Mechanical Contractors Association of Manitoba conducted a comprehensive review of the Manitoba Trade Definitions with a view to publishing an updated version early in 2019. This version was reviewed in 2022 and released in January 2023.

The purpose of the Manitoba Trade Definitions (MTD) Manual is to provide manual users with information on the local trade contractors’ scopes of work for only those building elements included in the bid or construction documents. To further clarify, MTD does NOT provide direction for building elements included in trade definitions that are not included in the bid or construction documents.

Go HERE to download the updated Manitoba Trade Definitions

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