
Think You May Be Exposed to Asbestos? Here’s What You Need to Know

From 1992 to 2008, electrician Denis Lapointe worked at the Canada Revenue Agency’s Ottawa taxation facility drilling and pulling wires through walls, floors and ceilings. In the process, he may have been exposing himself and others to asbestos. According to CBC news reports, Lapointe learned that asbestos was present only while reading a 1995 building condition report —despite laws requiring employers to inform workers of hazards they may be exposed to. To find out more, he had to file access to information requests.

Crawford Electric

Crawford Electric: Over 40 Years in the Kamloops Community

Unique messaging and a well-constructed website gave us the impetus to want to look into Kamloops’ forty year old, family owned and operated, Crawford Electric.  Their team of licensed electricians support the firm’s long-standing reputation as the 2011 winner of the Kamloops Chamber of Commerce Green Award, and a full British Columbia Hydro Alliance Member, Crawford Electric specializes in energy-saving lighting upgrades. 


Power Surge

Maximizing Surge Protection Safety

Surge protection devices (SPDs) play a critical role in guarding sensitive electrical equipment from the destructive effects of power transients, but servicing them safely without impacting critical operations has traditionally been difficult. Now a new generation ofSPDs with sophisticated safety functionality is helping organizationsaddress that longstanding limitation. This white paper explains howthe latest SPDs empower companies to maximize surge protectionwithout endangering technicians, and outlines critical features to lookfor when evaluating these new and advanced devices.



So, Who are You Supporting? Feedback from Electricity Human Resource Canada (EHRC) research into the lack of diversity in the electricity industry has shed interesting light on the challenges and successes associated with the attraction, recruitment and retention of women in the sector. With the expected exodus of much of the workforce to retirement, and less than 5% of women working in the trades (and only 25% industry wide), engaging this under-represented group is a priority.

Energy Power Stats

December Power Consumption Down 5.1% Year Over Year

Canada consumed 53.8 million megawatt-hours (MWh) of electricity in December 2014, 5.1% less than the same month in 2013. The decline was driven by above average temperatures in Quebec. Nova Scotia also experienced a significant drop in the demand for electricity. Year over year, electric power generation in Canada fell 3.4% year over year to 58.3 million MWh. Exports to the United States totalled 5.4 million MWh in December, 12.0% higher than the previous year, while imports shed more than a quarter of their volume to total 0.8 million MWh.


Lighting Prosperity

Lighting Cited as Contributor to Global Prosperity

Societies have “huge potential” to boost economic performance and generate significant environmental and social benefits by improving energy, asserts The 2015 Energy Productivity and Economic Prosperity Index. Europe alone could double its energy productivity performance on the basis of existing technologies.Key contributors identified by the report include energy efficient lighting, insulation, appliances, and heat pumps.


Lighting Quebec

Giant LED-Lit “Lampshades” Create Spectacular Urban Lighting in Quebec City

On Cartier Avenue in Quebec City, 34 giant lampshadesbacklit with LEDs and decorated with works by two Quebec artists are currently hanging over the street. The installation is an original concept by Lightemotion, a lighting design firm that illuminates building façades and interiors in North America, Europe, Asia and Oceania. While this “floating gallery” installation is temporary, Lightemotion will use the lighting fixtures to create new annual shows for the next five years.

New Housing

New Housing Construction: December Up 5.1% Year Over Year

Investment in new housing construction totalled $3.7 billion in December, up 5.1% from the same month a year earlier. The largest year-over-year advance occurred in Alberta, followed by British Columbia and Ontario. In Alberta, total investment in new residential building construction was up 16.7% to $865 million. British Columbia saw an 11.3% increase in spending to $633 million. In Ontario, investment rose 4.0% to $1.2 billion. Conversely, Manitoba posted the largest decline (-18.8% to $96 million). 

Michelle Branigan

Michelle Branigan

The world is almost too small to contain all the projects of Michelle Branigan, the CEO of Electricity Human Resources Canada the leading source of HR information for Canada’s electricity Industry. EHRC recently released the findings from its Bridging the Gap project, a national public/private initiative that aims to increase the representation of women as skilled workers in the electricity and renewable energy sector. 


Croft Electric

Croft Electric

From their well-followed Facebook and Twitter profiles to their new custom service vehicle graphic wrap and testimonials from satisfied customers, Croft Electric is using its motto ‘Do It Right, Do It Once’ to address more than just their electrical services.



Groupe Genitique

Le Groupe Génitique: Innovation in the Heart of Quebec and Elsewhere

Le Groupe Génitique has been in operation for more than 25 years, serving the hydropower and industrial process sectors. The firm provides electrical contractor and general contractor services, and is recognized for its technical expertise in the design, operation and maintenance of hydroelectric facilities and transmission and distribution networks.