River Electric: Successfully Mixing Water and Electricity

Electrical Contractors love trucks but we fully we admit it we love boats at Kerrwil- so when we saw an electrical Contractor with his own branded boat we needed to know more about River Electric. Running a classic GREW 245 Hull ( GREW Boat works was fixture in Midland/Penetang for years) River has retrofitted it as part of their fleet to serve its cottage and waterfront project needs.
Established by Bob and Patty Potter in 2010 This Georgian Bay born couple were perfectly situated to understand the needs and wants of their local community capitalizing on their combined 25 years in electrical contracting.
A family enterprise, Rob Potter is a certified master Electrician and Patty focus on safety in electrical and commercial boating while their son is Bob is a certified master electrician. River Electric focuses on home, cottage and commercial projects, including shore power, new installations, generator installations, dock and landscape lighting and is now saveONenergy Certified for the commercial Lighting retrofit Program. They are members of BNI and The Georgian Bay Chamber of Commerce.