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IESO Recommends Shift to Grid-Scale Storage in Ontario, Relying on Natural Gas Expansions to Ensure Reliability in the Near-Term

As part of its plans to acquire 4,000 MW of new electricity supply, the Independent Electricity System Operator (IESO) is recommending to the Minister of Energy that Ontario make a significant investment in battery storage, balanced by natural gas and other forms of non-greenhouse gas emitting generation to ensure reliability and affordability.


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Ontario Continues Skilled Trades Push with New Career Fairs

The Ontario government is working for workers by launching career fairs this fall to prepare the next generation of young people for rewarding and well-paying jobs in the skilled trades. These fairs address labour shortages in high-demand sectors and help deliver the province’s ambitious infrastructure plans, including building 1.5 million homes by 2031.

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Manitoba Government Accelerating Adoption of 2020 Building Code

 The Manitoba government will adopt the 2020 editions of the national model building, plumbing, fire and energy codes, published by the National Research Council, earlier than required by legislation and as soon as practically possible in response to industry feedback on proposed changes to the regulations, Labour, Consumer Protection and Government Services Minister Reg Helwer announced on October 20th.




Pathways to Net-Zero: Electrification and Transitioning to a Electricity-Based Economy

This article stems from the discussion at Nexans’ Change the Current event hosted this past month at the Evergreen Brick Works in Toronto, focusing on the presentation by Dr. Bruce Lourie, a policy expert and best selling author. The theme of the discussion was electrification, clean energy, and achieving net-zero-carbon in Canada and what an electrified future means practically. 



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Deborah Cahill First Woman Inducted into ECABC Hall of Fame


On Thursday, September 29th, ECABC celebrated its 70th Annual General Meeting at the beautiful Inn at Laurel Point in Victoria. During the evening ceremonies, Deborah Cahill—who served as the Association’s President for 14 years from 2008-2022—was surprised with an induction into the ECABC Hall of Fame, the greatest honour the Association can bestow upon its members.