Green Business

The Electrification of Everything

By Paul Carp and Elaine Hsieh

The expert consensus is broad: the most direct path toward a clean energy future is to replace technologies that still run on combustion — including gasoline vehicles and natural gas heating and cooling — with alternatives that run on electricity, such as electric vehicles and heat pumps, all tapping into renewable or low-carbon power sources. Call it the First Law of Decarbonization: everything that can be electrified, will be.

Bill Burr

Guide to the Canadian Electrical Code, Part I — Instalment 32

In this article: Section 64 — Renewable Energy Systems. Rule 64-000 notes that this is a supplementary or amendatory section of the code and applies to the installation of stand-alone and interactive renewable energy systems, except where they operate as Class 2 circuits with the voltage and current limited as per Rule 16-200(1)(a) and (b).