Carlo Gavazzi Expansion of DC SSR Portfolio: RM1D 3 Amp SSR for up to 60VDC

March 27, 2024
Carlo Gavazzi is excited to introduce the expansion of their RM1D Series Solid State Relays, which will now include a 3 Amp DC rated version. This new addition, the RM1D060D3, will have a rated output voltage of up to 60 VDC.
This extension was inspired by evolving market research that showed a large portion of the DC solid state relay market was less than or equal to 3 Amps DC. A key market driver of this addition is the electrification of vehicles. We at Carlo Gavazzi are always striving to improve our offering and align ourselves with the market and our competitors.
With this new RM1D Series DC Solid State Relay expansion, Carlo Gavazzi now offers ratings up to 3A, 10A, 20A, 50A or 100A at up to 60VDC, up to 20A or 50A at up to 200VDC, and up to 10A at up to 500VDC.
The RM1D060D3 carries all the main characteristics as the current 60 VDC variants in the series:
- Low power dissipation output MOSFET
- Fully solid state to ensure trouble free operation over a high number of switching cycles
- Control voltage range: 4 to 32 VDC
- IP20 touch-safe cover
- Switching frequencies up to 1,000 Hz
The RM1D Series is designed specifically for applications such as DC heaters, solenoid valves, test equipment, mobile equipment, refrigerated trucks/trains, and connection and disconnection of battery sources. They are available from Carlo Gavazzi’s network of sales offices and distributors in the Americas. More information is also available at