Horizon Utilities Recognizes National Steel Car’s Energy Saving Efforts

In the photo left to right is:
Hugh Nicholson, Executive Vice President Marketing, Sales & Quality (National Steel Car)
Lorraine Johnson, Chief Operating Officer (National Steel Car)
Eileen Campbell, Vice President Customer Services (Horizon Utilities)
William Whiting, Commercial/Industrial Energy Manager, CDM Group (Horizon Utilities)
Horizon Utilities Corporation is pleased to recognize the efforts of National Steel Car (the only producer of railroad cars in Canada) for saving an estimated 2,192,400 kWh per year through a $247,000 saveONenergyOM Retrofit incentive.
Horizon Utilities’ conservation and demand management teams worked with National Steel Car to assist in finding greater efficiencies. The company uses a compressed air system for pneumatic controls, tools, hoists and painting applications running continuously at full speed 24 hours a day, seven days a week.
The result was the installation of a 350 horsepower trim compressor with variable speed drive and automatic adjustments – dramatically reducing the company’s energy consumption. Compressors are now shut down when air demand is not high, allowing the entire system to operate with greater efficiency and reduce energy demand by approximately 261 kW.
“Horizon Utilities is proud to support our local businesses with energy conservation opportunities available through IESO saveONenergy incentives,” said Eileen Campbell, Vice President of Customer Services at Horizon Utilities. “Our customers agree it makes good business sense to use the expertise and incentives offered to reduce energy use and save money for their companies.”
“National Steel Car is pleased to participate in the incentive and energy saving program supported by Horizon Utilities,” said Lorraine Johnson, Chief Operating Officer of National Steel Car. “This program has enabled National Steel Car to reduce its carbon footprint and lower its ongoing operating expenses. In addition, the program provides rebates which we are re-investing in additional state-of-the-art equipment.”
For more information on the conservation and demand management programs available at Horizon Utilities, please visit www.horizonutilities.com/Conservation.