New Brunswick Posts Draft Regulations for Small Renewable Energy Projects

The provincial government has posted for comment draft regulations online for a program that will allow local entities and aboriginal communities to develop renewable energy projects. Deadline for comments: September 30.
The Locally-owned Renewable Energy Projects that are Small Scale (LORESS) program will encourage the creation of new renewable generation to serve the province’s demand for energy. The program will be developed by NB Power once the regulations are completed and will provide economic benefits to local entities such as municipalities, universities, non-profit organizations, associations and co-operatives. In addition, it will prioritize small-scale renewable energy projects for First Nations communities.
“The more renewable energy projects that we can develop, the better off our province will be from an economic and environmental standpoint, ”says Energy and Mines Minister Donald Arseneault.
As per provincial guidelines, the draft regulations will be posted online for 30 days for public feedback. The draft regulations include details on the following:
• First Nations projects
• projects for local entities
• maximum megawatts allowed for each project
• types of renewable generation projects
• partnerships
The program will help the province achieve its commitment to see 40% of its in-province electricity sales come from renewable energy by 2020, as detailed in the Renewable Portfolio Standard.
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