Horizon Utilities Exceeds Demand and Conservation Targets

Horizon Utilities Corporation and its customers are top performers — not once, but twice — in delivering conservation performance that drives bottom line results. Horizon Utilities attained 107% of its Ontario Energy Board mandated customer energy consumption reduction target and 81% of its customer energy demand reduction target.
These conservation programs resulted in 49 megawatts of peak demand reductions and contributed 303 gigawatt-hours of energy consumption savings.
“Our firm commitment to help Ontario achieve its conservation goals was backed by a focused and systematic campaign to ensure success in execution,” says Max Cananzi, President & CEO. “Since 2011, Horizon has placed $16 million of IESO incentives into our customers’ hands.”
Horizon Utilities Corporation is Canada’s first Sustainable Electricity Company, a designation of the Canadian Electricity Association. The company, which provides electricity and related utility services to 242,000 customers in Hamilton and St. Catharines, is one of the largest municipally owned electricity distribution companies in Ontario.
For more information on the conservation and demand management programs, visit horizonutilities.com/Conservation.