BC Hydro Posts RFQ for Site C Clean Energy Project

May 18, 2016
BC Hydro has posted a Request for Qualifications (RFQs) for the generating station and spillways civil works contract for the Site C Clean Energy Project. Deadline for submitting the RFQ: June 16.
Site C is a hydroelectric dam and generating station under construction in northeast British Columbia, about seven kilometres southwest of Fort St. John. Site C will provide 1,100 megawatts (MW) of capacity and about 5,100 gigawatt hours (GWh) of energy each year to the province’s integrated electricity system.
The scope of work under the generating station and spillways civil works is anticipated to include:
• processing and production of all aggregates and granular materials required for the generating station and spillways civil works
• placement of approximately 700,000 cubic metres of mass and reinforced concrete for spillways, intakes, penstock encasement and powerhouse substructure
• procurement, fabrication and erection of six penstocks each 10 metres in diameter and 80 metres in length
• procurement, fabrication and erection of structural steel in the powerhouse
• installation of equipment supplied by BC Hydro, including: gates, gantry cranes and powerhouse bridge cranes
• procurement and installation of intake trashracks and anti-vortex devices
• procurement and installation of embedded pipes, ground grid and conduit
• turbine-generator embedment activities (e.g. concrete placement).
Construction of Site C started in July 2015 and will be completed in 2024. Once built, Site C will provide clean, reliable and cost-effective electricity in B.C. for more than 100 years.
Find out more: RFQ 6372 at www.bcbid.gov.bc.ca.