BC Invests $1.9 million in Trades Training at Northern Lights College

October 26, 2016
British Columbia will invest $1.9 million in Northern Lights College for skills training in high-priority trades seats, including electrical work. The college is located in Dawson Creek.
The investment, through the Industry Training Authority (ITA), is part of an allocation to post-secondary institutions and training providers to run various training programs throughout the province. It will fund 639 seats at NLC through to March 31, 2017, in various trades, including: electrician, aircraft maintenance engineer, heavy mechanical trades, welder, and carpenter.
In response to the objectives outlined in BC’s Skills for Jobs Blueprint and the McDonald Report, the BC government has worked in partnership with the ITA to begin building a demand-driven trades training system with funding aligned to specific in-demand trades.
The provincial government invests more than $94 million annually in industry training through the ITA. The ITA leads and coordinates British Columbia’s skilled trades system by working with employers, employees, industry, labour, training providers and government to issue credentials, manage apprenticeships, set program standards and increase opportunities in the trades.
“Thanks to this funding, Northern Lights College will continue to be well-positioned as the North’s premier training institute and provide much-needed trades seats for the high-demand skilled trades that are vital to industry operations throughout the Peace region,” says Bryn Kulmatycki, President and CEO, Northern Lights College.