Enbridge Named to Global 100 Most Sustainable Corporations List for 8th Year

January 23, 2017
Enbridge earned the No. 39 spot overall for 2017, the organization’s highest placement on the annual international index, and seven spots up from its previous high of No. 46 in 2016.
Enbridge is one of six Canadian companies to make the list, and the only Canadian energy-sector company.
Enbridge recognizes that climate change is a global issue, and is addressing the issue with a long-term, all-of-the-above energy supply strategy that includes renewable energy. At the same time, Enbridge is reducing its own carbon footprint by setting and working toward company-wide targets for greenhouse gas (GHG) reductions and improving energy efficiency.
“These company targets send a strong signal regarding the depth of our commitment to managing climate risks — and bringing low-carbon energy solutions to scale,” says Linda Coady, Enbridge’s Chief Sustainability Officer.