Ontario Hospital Earns $62,000 In Energy Efficiency Rebates

July 6, 2017
Scarborough and Rouge Hospital (SRH)’s General site has received rebates from Enbridge Gas and Toronto Hydro totalling more than $62,000 for the hospital’s efforts to improve energy efficiency.
Initiatives include installing a flue gas economizer in the boiler room to establish better steam plant efficiency, as well as a site-wide lighting and water fixture retrofit, chiller replacement, steam plant optimization, and the installation of six speed controlling drives, known as variable frequency drives, in the air handling systems.
“These variable frequency drives have reduced the hospital’s electricity usage by 733,834kWh annually, the equivalent of taking 82 houses off the grid. This is a substantial reduction for the hospital and they should be proud of their work towards energy efficiency and savings,” says Toronto Hydro’s Jana Jedlovska.
“We’re grateful to Enbridge Gas and Toronto Hydro for these extremely valuable rebates, which will be used to reinvest in green projects,” adds Tyler Crocker, Director, Environment and Facilities, at SRH.
“SRH is committed to partnering with our local utilities to find new and innovative ways to make each of our three sites more environmentally friendly and efficient.”
SRH worked on these initiatives with Ameresco Canada Inc., a leading energy efficiency and renewable energy company.
Photo source: The Scarborough Hospital.