CEA Launches Canadian Electricity Centre of Excellence

May 4, 2018
The Canadian Electrical Association’s Centre of Excellence showcases Canadian cutting-edge development in how electricity is produced, delivered and consumed, and highlights transformational progress in how electricity yields economic, social and environmental benefits.
“Canadians are nation builders and CEA members are no different. We are inspired by our past, and focused on embracing our future,” says Sergio Marchi, President and CEO of the Canadian Electricity Association. “That’s why the unveiling of the Canadian Electricity Centre of Excellence is so timely. It brings together examples of what Canadian utility companies are doing to have a positive and lasting impact in the community, economy and environment and it showcases the deep-set culture of innovation driving our collective energy future.”
Whether it’s a virtual power plant providing residential customers with the ability to generate their own clean energy and augment the grid, or the world’s first commercial-scale post-combustion carbon capture and storage unit, all Centre of Excellence projects are positively impacting the lives of Canadians and transforming our industry.
“Canadian electricity companies are no longer expected to simply deliver power, they must now also provide a broad range of new energy services in a way that encourages environmental, social and economic sustainability,” says Ray Robinson, President and CEO, Saint John Energy and CEA Chair. “The Centre of Excellence illustrates some of the innovation and ingenuity that is helping meet the shifting needs and expectations of tomorrow’s customer.”
CEA members are being recognized at an event on Parliament Hill (Senate Room 160-S) for innovation and excellence that goes beyond incremental improvements and fundamentally reinvent the electricity system. Invited executives, senior level policy makers, and both provincial and federal government officials in attendance.
Find out more: https://electricity.ca/lead/centre-of-excellence/