IBEW’s International VP Paul Daniels to Retire

June 18, 2018
In a letter to all Canadian members of the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers, Paul Daniels, International Vice President for the First District Canada, announced his retirement effective July 1, 2018.
“I send this correspondence to advise you that after long and thoughtful deliberation,” writes Daniels. “My career in the IBEW spans 42 years, and although I’ve enjoyed this time tremendously, I feel it is time to re-focus my attention to those in my life, who in many ways, were in the shadows throughout my working career.”
Daniels was an inside lineman before becoming involved with the IBEW in 1977. His career trajectory includes the following milestones:
• elected president of the IBEW Electrical Power Council of Ontario in 1990
• appointed as an International Representative for the First District in 2003
• appointed Executive Assistant to the International Vice President and then appointed International Vice President in 2013
In a 2016 interview with Canadian Industry Online, he said one of the most critical areas of development for IBEW is technology. “We need to always be looking at industry and what it’s doing to stay competitive with advanced technologies.”
In Daniels’ place, International Representative Tom Reid has been appointed to fulfil the remainder of this term as International Vice President.