Alberta: Fall 2018 PEC Course Schedule

Aug 13, 2018
The Electrical Contractors Association of Alberta is offering four courses this fall as part of its Professional Electrical Contractor (PEC) training program.
The program provides master electricians with an opportunity to gain a custom-designed education, making them better informed electrical contractors and, therefore, more esteemed members of the electrical industry. Here’s what’s coming up:
• Estimating & Finalizing the Tender with Computer Estimating, September 6-8, 2018 (Edmonton). Instructor: Chris Reinert. This 3-day course covers types of estimates, organizing the estimate, labour units, computer estimating and finalizing the tender. Goals of this course include how to do an estimate using a set of drawings and specs applying take off terms and procedures to finalize and submit tender documents and develop an estimate in a format that can be used as a project management tool.
• Basic Electrical Estimating (BEE), September 13-14, 2018 (Calgary). Instructor: Pat Barnes. For small contractors who are not ready to invest in a computerized estimating system. Designed to teach new contractors the fundamentals of preparing an electrical estimate using the Elemental Format hands-on. The course will address material take-off, pricing of materials, labouring of materials using the NECA Manual of Labour Units, labour costs, special overheads, general overheads, and profit/contingencies.
• Business & Public Relations, September 20-21, 2018 (Edmonton). Instructor: Brian McCready. A series of five modules designed to give you essential and proven management concepts in the areas of managing: Credit & Collections, Business Promotion, Sales Management, Business Management, and Human Resource Management. Each module will teach you hands-on management strategies to immediately begin improving the performance and profitability of your electrical contracting business.
• Legal Implications, October 25-26, 2018 (Calgary). Instructor: Trevor Goulet. This course will increase your awareness and understanding of legal issues and pitfalls common to electrical contractors. The course will also address incorporation, income tax and GST, construction contracts, subcontracts and liability thereunder, as well as how to ensure payment for your work.
Find course descriptions here: Register here: