Apply Now for 2019 Apprenticeship Incentive Grants

Jan 28, 2019
The federal government is offering three types of apprenticeship incentive grants.
The Apprenticeship Incentive Grant is a cash grant of $1,000 per year or level, for a lifetime maximum amount of $2,000 per person.
The Apprenticeship Incentive Grant for Women supports women in entering, progressing, and completing their training in Red Seal trades where women are underrepresented. The grant offers $3,000 per year/level (or equivalent) up to a maximum amount of $6,000 per person.
The Apprenticeship Completion Grant is a one-time taxable cash grant lifetime amount of $2,000 per person for registered apprentices who complete their apprenticeship training and obtain their journeyperson certification.
Eligibility requirements apply. For example, applicants must
• be a Canadian citizen, permanent resident, or protected person
• have progressed to a certain point in their training in designated Red Seal trades