Electric Autonomy Canada: A New Portal for Everything EV-Related

Electric Autonomy Canada

May 13, 2019

Launched last week, Electric Autonomy Canada is an an independent, online business-to-business, news and event forum covering Canada’s transition to electric, autonomous and on-demand mobility. The portal celebrates leadership and stimulates debate through independent journalism, opinion and networking.

The content showcases original journalism and opinions and debate from industry leaders. Its mission is to highlight Canadian innovation, and facilitate knowledge sharing and best practices across diverse industry sectors and all levels of government.


Complementing existing industry organizations, the site will share industry news and provide a platform to showcase innovation, thought leadership and success stories.

The team includes:

    • Nino Di Cara, Founder & President. Passionate believer in electrification and the benefits that technology will bring to our future mobility. Ten years leadership roles with corporate marketing agencies and seven years executive board director for B2B industry publisher. Past President of the National Media Awards Foundation.

    • Brian Banks, Editorial Advisor. Brian is an award-winning writer and editor with a passion for sustainability and expertise in project management and communications. A former editor-in-chief of Financial Post Magazine and executive editor of Canadian Business.

    • Maya Lowenstein, Marketing & Editorial Coordinator. Maya is a marketing and media relations specialist with a background in Advertising Technology. She is experienced in leading web marketing campaigns, social media campaigns and project management.

    • Kerrin Hands, Creative Lead. Kerrin has over 30 years of design and branding experience for web, content creation, marketing, illustrations and ecommerce. He has a talent for bringing bold, thought-provoking ideas to life.

    • Kelly Smith, CFO, a finance and strategic planning professional with extensive experience as former senior executive at Loyalty One and VP at CAA.

Visit the site.

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