Technical Safety BC to Host WinSETT Leadership Workshop

EIN TSBC winsett 400

Dec 5, 2019

Technical Safety BC will be hosting and sponsoring a number WinSETT Leadership Workshops, which are professional development sessions for early and mid-career female engineers, scientists, tradespeople and technologists in science and technology-based sectors.

Early Bird Pricing:

You can register for all 6 workshops at a discounted rate of $1,075 ($550 for Students/Apprentices/Seeking Employment) and receive a certificate as having completed the full leadership series.

Individual Workshops are $199 ($99 for Students/Apprentices/Seeking Employment)

3 weeks prior to workshop date prices increase by 20%

Workshops and dates:

Becoming Leaders: 30-JAN-20
Effective Communication: 27-FEB-20
Emotional Intelligence: 26-MAR-20
Negotiating for Success: 23-APR-20
Navigating Politics: 14-MAY-20
Networking Mentors Sponsors: 11-JUNE-20


How do I register?

Register for the entire series, save 10% and be guaranteed your spot on the workshop dates that work for you before registration opens to the public. Receive your certificate and be recognized for completing the entire Women in SETT Leadership series.

Go HERE to register

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