ESA Launches Strategic Plan 2020-2025

April 2, 2020
As of April 2020, ESA will begin operating against thier next five-year Corporate Strategy that covers April 1, 2020 to March 31, 2025 and the F2021 Business Plan for the first year of the strategy.
With the launch of thier new strategy, ESA is continuing its journey towards becoming a modern regulator that helps ensure Ontario’s electrical future is powered safely. ESA is tremendously appreciative of all the staff and stakeholders who supported efforts into putting this together.
“Though the COVID-19 situation has presented new challenges as to how we operate, we will never be deterred from our driving belief that Ontario should be a province where people can exist safe from electrical harm. We recognize that our collective focus is on the ever-evolving COVID-19 situation. In these challenging times, we are focused on doing our part by taking precautionary measures to help slow the spread of the virus.”