Renewing FSR Certificates in 2021

Nov 5, 2020
The Field Safety Representative (FSR) certificate renewal system exists to make sure FSRs are up to date with the latest safety information, so that they can continue to uphold our province’s safety standards.
While most of the process is staying the same, we want to tell you about some key aspects of renewal in 2021:
New classification names
We’ve changed the names of our restricted classes, to make them clearer. You’ll see the new names when you look through our classes. Simply click one of the classes to get more details — including the class’ old name.
Renewing certification for grandparented classes
Grandparented classes are classes that are no longer offered by Technical Safety BC. However, they remain valid for anyone who has already received them. In order to renew your grandparented certificate, you need to complete 4 hours of continuing education. Visit the Certificate Renewal page to find out if your certificate has been grandparented.
Continuing Education
To renew an FSR certificate, you need to meet minimum continuing education requirements. The requirements differ depending on your certificate class.
Consequences of not renewing
If you do not renew your certificate but continue to perform regulated work, you put yourself and others at risk. These are the consequences for working with an expired certificate:
• A safety officer may issue a compliance order or recommend a monetary penalty
• A safety officer may be authorized to stop your work in the field
• Any contractor licence you’re named on becomes invalid, along with any associated installation or operating permits
• You can’t be named on any new or renewed operating permits, installation permits, temporary construction permits, and contractor licences
• You can’t assess compliance with current codes and regulations
• You can’t submit declarations of compliance
Go HERE to learn more about renewing your Electrical FSR certificate in 2021.